Deception Flogger

This blog is self-explanatory. Because of my background on the University of Minnesota and Saint Cloud State campuses, I seen even more clearly the need for the light of truth to shine in the darkness.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Dream comes true

Three months ago, God gave me a dream that we were in the delivery room and a little girl came out. I believed this dream was prophetic for the sex of our new baby due in June. Sure enough, we had the ultrasound last Friday and it was confirmed. I think it is neat that the God of the universe does these things for the building of our faith.

Now, sorry about not posting for a LONG time. Which deception shall be flogged today? How about the idea that more education alone is all that is needed to curb the AIDS epidemic. I read a story recently from South Africa that discussed their HIV infection rates among various parts of the population. The amazing thing is that now AIDS is on the rise among the MOST educated and the professionals in SA. It is declining in some of the slum areas, but has increased from 6% to 9% infection in the most affluent group. Often on campus we hear that education about all the details is needed and most effective. I say that the best example I have to give is my life and testimony that is based on God's best for us all; the word of God. If we sow in the flesh, from the flesh we will reap corruption, but if we sow in the Spirit, from that eternal life. It's not rocket sceince, it's very simple. Safe Sex corwd, consider yourselves flogged with love.


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